Chair’s message


IAPR’s Technical Committee 10 on Graphics Recognition promotes interaction among researchers working in document image analysis in general, and graphics recognition in particular.

Graphics Recognition is an exciting field of pattern recognition, whose main relevant topics of interest include:

  • Analysis and interpretation of graphical documents, such as: engineering drawings, floorplans, mathematical expressions, comics, maps, music scores, patents, diagrams, charts, tables, etc.
  • Recognition of graphic elements in heterogeneous documents, such as symbols, logos, stamps, dropcaps, drawings, etc.
  • Identification and localization of graphical mark-ups and annotations in written documents.
  • Raster-to-vector techniques.
  • Graphics-based information retrieval.
  • Historical graphics recognition and indexing.
  • Forensics (Writer identification/verification) in graphic documents.
  • Description of complete systems for interpretation of graphic documents.
  • Datasets and performance evaluation in graphics recognition.
  • Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for graphics multimedia documents.
  • 3-D models from multiple 2-D views (line drawings).
  • Digital ink processing.
  • Sketch recognition and understanding.
  • Camera-based graphics recognition.
  • Graphics recognition in born digital documents.
  • Analysis of graphics on new digital interfaces.
  • Graphics detection and recognition in real scenes.

TC10 organizes and co-sponsors several international workshops and conferences in this field. The two main events are the ICDAR conference and the GREC workshop.

The GREC workshop provides an excellent opportunity for researchers and practitioners at all levels of experience to meet colleagues and to share new ideas and knowledge about graphics recognition methods. The workshop enjoys strong participation from researchers in both industry and academia.

At the TC10 website you will find updated information not only about conferences, workshops or summer schools, but also news on recent papers, databases and competitions on graphics recognition. Besides, an electronic mailing with news of interest to the research community is sent out periodically to TC10 members. If you wish to become a member of TC10, please fill out the enrollment form under the link membership.

Dr. Alicia Fornés – January 2019